Date | Symbol | Sky | Temperature | Rainfall | Chances of rainfall | Snow level | Wind | Reliability | Sun 8 September afternoon/evening |
| Broken or overcast | max 25/27 C | Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms | 60% | | Moderate northeastern | |
Mon 9 September morning |
| Cloudiness and clearings | min 18/20 C | Local also like shower/thunderstorm | 50% | | Moderate westerly | Moderate |
Mon 9 September afternoon/evening |
| Cloudiness and clearings | max 24/26 C | Showers or thunderstorms | 40% | | Light northeastern | Moderate |
Tue 10 September morning |
| Clear or scattered | min 16/18 C | None | 0% | | | Moderate |
Tue 10 September afternoon/evening |
| Cloudiness and clearings | max 24/26 C | Light intermittent | 30% | | | Moderate |
Wed 11 September |
| Nubi in aumento | | Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms | 60% | | | Moderate |
Thu 12 September |
| Broken or overcast | | Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms | 100% | | | Moderate |